Friday 3 January 2014

Opening Sequences

Opening sequences are the very first thing the audience get to see when watching a text. it will include many different elements that will set up the audiences exceptions of the plot, character(s), mood, location and genre. The opening will include some sort of credits at the start that have the same theme as the genre. They're designed to grab the audience's attention and integer them with the help of action and enigma codes. Within the credits there will be some sort of element that will help to convey the plot, themes and other traits in the text. In most cases usually the protagonist who is introduced first but it could be the antagonist.

For example, in the opening sequence of 'Jaws'. It starts with a point of view shot from 'Jaws' in the ocean slowly swimming along the bottom of the water bed. Later in the clip the shot is then  accompanied by the sound motif that enters almost every time there's a scene with the shark, which helps to build and sets up the mood/tone as it has a very eerie and tense feel to it, it could possibly also set up the location of the film. It then cuts to a group of people sitting, talking and playing guitar around a campfire. This sets the scene, makes it feel very real, natural and relaxed. Through the use of non-dietetic sound and the camera work it shows it's night which emphasizes there danger. Which forces the idea that there will be moments of unsuspecting danger within the text. This is then followed by a girl and boy running somewhere, we're currently unsure where this is but as they get closer to wherever it maybe, we start to here the noise of water and seagulls which hints the next location. As they're running the boy repeatedly asks the girl to "slow down". At one point when the girl is in the water he is still at shore fully dressed, this emphasises he wont wont be able to do anything/help her as he cant help himself. This sets up the fact that there will be times in the film when people are helpless and unable to do anything.

The scene of the girl in the water sugguests that the film will start very slow with small moments of fast pace but towards the end it will pick up. This is backed up with the water scene as she moves very slowly in the water but is then attacked once or twice. She is then pulled under several times before it goes quiet and she is gone.

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