Tuesday 15 April 2014

Description of two minute opening

All fade in will be from black

The scene starts with a black screen, with the sound of someone moving objects and rummaging around. The production company fades onto the black screen for a few seconds as the logo begins to fades out, some tense, non-diegetic music starts to play. Then fades into a long shot of a dark location with a smartly dressed man (James) walking around, opening draws and cupboards but doesn’t show his face, fades out and the director’s name of the film will appear in white font on screen ‘A film by Jacob Pitcher’, fades out and then back into a medium shot of James' back, he is stood behind a counter with some envelopes and leaflets on. James moves them around to set up the next part of the shot, James leaves the shot to reveal the names of two actors (Jack Lockyer and Sam Burgess) that are printed on two envelopes. The camera stays on the letters but you can slowly hear James walk away and then fades out.

Fades into a low angle shot of a folder/important documents on a table with James now a blurred figure in the background; James starts to walk slowly towards the folder it then fades out again. Then fades back into an aerial shot of the folder upside down, a hand enters the shot and turns the folder round the correct way so the contents on the front can be read to reveal the title of the film ‘Avenge our fallen brothers’, the shot fades out and the title then reppears on screen and the background music gets louder.

The title fades out, once it has dissappeard the camera fades into a long shot of James sitting down beside the table that was seen in a previous shot. He starts to take a gun out from his jacket; an action match continues to show the removal of the gun but as a close up as James is about to place the gun on the table the shot fades out. Fades back into a close up of a door handle, the door opens and the antagonist (Ethan) is revealed, he pauses as he opens the door just so we can see him pull a small grin as if he knows something the audience doesn’t. Cuts to a point of view shot of Ethan walking down the hallway, follows by a series of jump cuts and shows the walk he's has taking. Cuts to a low angle shot of an area soon to be inhabited by Ethan and as he enters he pretends to look surprised to find an old acquaintance sitting at his table.

*high angled over the shoulder shot of James

James: why?

*close up of the side of Ethan’s face

Ethan: I had a mission and I always finish my missions and you were the only one standing in my way.

*long shot of James

James: a mission? No. that’s murder. (James starts to get agitated) What you were trying to protect and what you did to do so. You took Mat, my brother away from me, you took our brothers away. Our brothers of war.

As James speaks he picks up the folder on the table and makes reference to it as he speaks to Ethan.

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