Wednesday 12 March 2014

Film ideas

1. The film would start with flashbacks/dreams from past events, cuts to a man asleep, the flashbacks and dreams are his. As he is asleep we're able to see what's going through his had as a shot shows the scenarios happening above him. One of of the scenarios takes centre stage as this is the most important, in the flashback it looks like he's being held hostage by someone, he gets shot which results in him waking up. As he gets up and out of bed he walks past a shelf which shows his medals, badges, certificates (one of them revealing his name, Peter) and pictures showing images from old attacks, meeting people such as the queen and family members. These then reveal the he's an old MI6 agent. The next shot shows the inside of the MI6 base and the occupants rushing around, talking about a current case. There's rumours going around that the head of the agency had the leave the country for a couple of months due to personal reasons. There is then a picture of who we believe to be the head (the person holding him hostage), Peter and a group of people in suits.

It cuts back to Peters house where we can see a set of pictures of people and key locations all linking to each other. Through more flashbacks we find out that Peter was selected to undergo a special procedure to give him an edge and make him a new bread of agent. However Peter didn't want to go through with it, even though his family did. MI6 chose to get rid of his family and make it look like an accident, with his family out of the way, the agency manage to manipulate Peter to accept the option and go through with the surgery. The surgery happens and goes as planned but during the surgery instead of being put to sleep, Peter was just given anaesthetic and over heard a conversation between the head of the agency and several other members talking about how he would have never gone through with it if we hadn't taken out his family. Staying calm Peter waits until after the surgery and waits to see if the affects have taken place. After going through a number of training exercises and tests, he's set for field work. The flash back ends and Peter sets out, travelling to different places and locations around the world to fins the people who took after his family, in doing so he meets someone who was selected for a similar option for the CIA but it back fired and the people involved were no longer heard of for reasons that are unknown. Together they take down the people responseable with twists and turns without.


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